Come Join us on the Front Lines

As we invest our time into the most moldable and sendable demographic on the planet, we need partners to come alongside of us to further the reach of the Gospel onto TCU's campus and from there to the world! There are many ways you can join in on what God is doing through Horned Frog BSM. Click on any of the links to be led to the respective pages.


Donate to TCU BSM

Your tax-deductible donation allows us to reach our campus with the gospel and be a part of equipping a generation to fulfill the Great Commission. Your gift helps reach our campus and empower our staff to serve.  You can mail a check made out to "The BSM at TCU" to our address below or you and click on the link to donate.

Want to sponsor a student for retreat? Follow the link and specify that in the "comments section." Thanks for being a part of changing the lives of Horned Frogs! 


Support our staff

All of our staff raise their own salaries in order to serve as a missionary on their campuses.  Partnering with a staff member as a monthly or one-time partner multiplies the gospel on campus through their investment in students.  All gifts are tax-deductible.

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Get Our Newsletter

We desperately need your prayers!  Would you take a moment and sign up for our eNewsletter so we can keep you up to speed with what's happening on our campus?  We promise to not to overflow you inbox with junk mail and this is a great way to keep up to date with God stories from our campus, alumni and partner events, and prayer requests.